Northern Minnesota is known for short summers when residents spend weekends on vacation and out at the cabin on the lake. So Rally Sunday, the first day of Sunday School is known as the day most members return to church after a long summer vacation. Our goal was to have everything ready by that day and we came very close. We have a few pieces of furniture we would like to add and would like a thick fun rug for the children’s area so they can sit comfortably on the floor.
The reaction of the congregation to the changes has been very positive and the space is a hub of activity on Sunday mornings that would never have been possible with the previous layout. Parents now have somewhere to sit and relax and visit with other parents while their children are in Sunday School classes. Teachers visit, plan their schedules and share last minute preparation tips for upcoming lesson plans. Older students not in Sunday School meet there to see if they can help anywhere or sit and visit as well. We even have one high school teacher who uses the conference table to grade student papers while he waits for his son. We have also subscribed to a local Sunday paper and judging by how it is spread across three different tables by the end of the Sunday School hour, I would say it is well read!
The lounge has also been well received. It is still large enough for the choir to use for practice and has a meeting room style table to be used as a buffet for small groups and is comfortable and private enough for brides getting ready before their ceremony. The only disadvantage to its location is the steps that limit handicapped accessibility.