September 22, 2009

Week Ten of the OSLC Library Redesign

The old carpet is reinstalled in the new lounge this week and old stains we did not notice were very noticeable in the smaller room! Fortunately, we had a volunteer who was good with a steam carpet cleaner and the carpet looks brand new! Carpet for the library is on order and will be in the end of next week.

This week we installed our old shelves that will be against the walls and (hopefully) never moved. One evening I screwed the framework for the shelves together and hauled all the shelves up into the new library. The next day my husband secured the shelves to the walls and a night of book moving was planned. This was a team process with one person filling a box from the shelves on our storage area, another carrying it down the hall up eight steps (trust me I know there are 8 steps!) where a third volunteer loaded them into the shelves for another temporary stay until the rest of the shelves were installed.

This same evening there were volunteers moving furniture and decorating the new lounge. They also did a great job arranging the original couches, chairs and tables into a very cozy area for small group meetings and counseling sessions.

We ordered nine new meeting room style chairs, five comfortable chairs, a computer desk, and a storage cabinet that will arrive in two weeks. The team decided we could assemble the furniture ourselves to save some money and we scheduled an evening for that task.